Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Book Clock

So here we are again! we are in the last few days of November...Thanksgiving is over and if you haven't fallen in a fit of depression after you just realized how much time has passed, you may be trying to decide what to get your friends and family for Christmas.

This clock would make a fantastic gift for someone who loves books or clocks =D 

I have wanted to make myself a clock out of a Frisbee but the only Frisbee I have I like to throw around sometimes and I didn't want to ruin it.
So I decided to make a clock out of an old book I had =D

It is a fairly simple project but I am a nervous person when it come to cutting into things and it would have been nice to have seen how easy it was before I stated. Hence this post =D 

What you need:
A hardback book (preferably one that is not rare or that you care to read) =D
A clock Kit-I got mine at Hobby Lobby for about $7
Some sort of knife-a utility knife works well. 
A battery if your kit doesn't come with one-most likely a AA but be sure and check the kit. 

You will need to use the knife to cut a section out of the book that will hold the works of the clock like so, 

Also there will need to be a hole cut in the front cover of the book for the bar to fit through where you will attach the hands. 

Close the book so that the bar is protruding from the front like so, 

You will now attach the hands to the clock. Your kit should have instructions on how to do this properly, if not THIS image should help.

You will then need to apply your numbers. My kit didn't come with any so I just wrote them on with a pin =D A gold sharpie would work well if your book is a dark color. 

All that is left now is to attach something to the back to hang it by! I used some little screwy things with a wire. But you could make a hole in the back and hang it by that. 

And there you have it! 
Pretty easy huh? 

I hope you have enjoyed!
Have a good day!

And Marry Christmas!!!!!!